The world of shamanism (mysticism and mysticism) such as yoga, taichi, astrology, hand tattoos, astrology (horoscope), etc. Similar efforts are known in modern circles in various packages: mental energy, development of human potential, movement for new consciousness, creative thinking , self-motivation, movement for change and hundreds of other forms. Through the powers of magic and the spiritual world, the path of righteousness has been revived in the form of traditional shamanism and neo-spirituality. Here we see this shamanism, an ancient belief lost but a religious system that has always existed and evolved throughout human culture. Shamanism has become the "spiritual need" of the world for humans.
Powers can be found anywhere in the world through shamanic practices. Both in hidden cultural traditions and in a really rich society in the modern world. Forecasting the future, tattoos on the hands and astrology are part of everyday life around the world. This type of shamanism has become popular and has become a global tradition, even for consumption by various groups from children to adults around the world.
Blessings or curses created by human actions by developing magical powers for specific purposes. This magical power is called "white magic" when it comes to repairs that are well known to the general public, such as healing diseases, security, dating, business and so on. And when this magical power is used for evil purposes, it is called "black magic", like sending diseases, killing people, knocking on someone's door, polluting the environment and so on. In this duality we see the use of these spiritual powers. There are many traditions and religions in the world that support the practice of shamanism, and some clubs even have their own religious banners.
Industrial giant
Today, shamanic practices such as astrology, magic, divination, and even psychic alternatives have become big businesses. Recent figures from the United States show that more than 40,000 people are "full-time" in this field (up about 400 percent in the last 10 years) and at least 350,000 are part-time in shamanism. , clairvoyance and astrology. (Increase of 200 percent in the last 10 years). These numbers are actually much higher. In Brazil, occult life is growing rapidly, with many distorted religious "heretics" growing up with occult tendencies. 6,000 professionals in the UK attend regular meetings to develop new business strategies. There are innumerable human relationships with these hidden and hidden things worldwide.
For example in China and India, but also in Africa and other parts of the world, especially in transnational countries (Central Africa – Central America – and Indonesia) are the largest hidden bases in the world. Shamanism and spiritualism have become part of popular culture in everyday life. In Indonesia, as in the occult community, this practice spread from the bottom up among government officials.
Candles, their motivation and function
These mages have magical powers associated with the underworld. The spirits of the dead are believed to be close to the living, capable of comforting, teaching, helping, and even calling for revenge, hindrance, intimidation, and harassment. Some candles accept special abilities, such as divination, healing powers, wealth or power, spouse, and so on. Traditionally, their spiritual power is usually derived from Wangsit through the use of sacrifices, offerings, or amulets such as meditation, bathing, recitation of mantras, or magic.
Some rituals such as dancing, wasps, etc. are performed. Shaman or psychic celebrated as teacher or otherwise by supporters/extremists. In modern spiritual practice, the same magical principles apply only to packaging and appearance. From jungle or mountain system to five star hotel system, from traditional music to techno punk music, from people in black to horses, to the number of people wearing a tie, in a luxury car, in the form of a Candle . Horrible. For a bald wizard, psychics opening counters in malls, and witch advertisements on TV and SMS (type REG in the NAME field, etc.). That being said, there are still many spiritual aspects that we need to know in order to understand why this is so.
Mandatory Agreement
When using magical powers in shamanic practices, a person is exposed to certain conditions or conditions that can be harmful if violated. Abstinence and Abstinence Man is bound under Satan's control for the rest of his life. Participation in such occult practices binds our lives to what is called the "power of the shadow realm." Shamanism leads people to worship supernatural beings. And all human relationships with human idols come from God.
In fact, many religious people live off magic or don't know it. One of the reasons is the tradition of the elders. World customs are also influential. For example, a love of reading horoscopes can be the beginning of one's connection to magic. The practice of asking psychiatrists, feng shui, is common because one reads about healing, destiny, luck, growth and space, material culture and intense competition in life. We must decide that not all forms of shamanism are right! Lots of fake candles take their time! Fake consumers are often busy placing ads in various print or electronic media! It's called action!!! The amazing thing is that the ad sells dreams! If someone calls you, you fall into a trap! did you find this Beware of fraudulent consumers, you must see ads or promotions logically !!!
The Modernity of Shamanism
It is well known that in Eastern cultures, by keeping society open to the effects of magic, we can harness "inner" things. This phenomenon will not affect urban civilization and its high level. The spiritual emptiness that does not develop in his time strengthens his spirituality. Magic is a symbol of the downfall of human civilization. The word magic itself is very vague, covering a wide range of mystical, spiritual, mystical and metaphysical elements, and is often assumed to contain more than just the supernatural. Generally they are attributed to the occult. Spirituality is a belief that people want to connect with the underworld and be revealed in another part of the world.
Astrology is the study of the position and relationship of the sun, moon, stars, and planets that affect that person or object.
Horoscope Predict the astrological development based on the zodiac chart. Recommendations are given based on future events.
Clairvoyance: The belief that some people have an extrasensory perception (ESP) that makes seeing invisible.
Predict a fortune teller by looking at palm lines, playing cards, tea leaves, crystal balls, birthdays, etc.
Shamanism: This heretic religious system has its roots in ancient customs and beliefs that can be represented in a modern way. Based on their magic books, shamans or psychics connect and try to control supernatural powers with certain rituals, tools, magic and circumstances.
attention to you
You can ask for the help of a shaman/paranoid/priest/monk/monk to solve your problem! But if it's still appropriate and doesn't deviate from religious beliefs you can go, but if it's beyond the scope / don't go because there are differences! In other words... HERZ needs spiritual solutions to bring you to life! You want solutions to problems, not problems? Back on the right line !!!
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